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Chickoo Fruit Plant Care and Tips and Heavy Roses on Bush Tricks

Two Loving White Pigeons
 As there was one now there are two. The white pigeon becoming our friendly guest and staying close by has another friend, again a white pigeon, female. So the two lovey doves do frequent our window sill for snacks and stay close by.
Drooping Roses on Bush
Meanwhile the rose bush has been at its best in this rainy season. With very big and heavy roses that they are drooping on the bush with their weight.
Big Size Heavy Rose Flowers
 Tips and Tricks for heavy rose flowers- feedings, are very important. Yes Regular feedings of fertilizer, any one available from your local nursery. Some people do suggest tea leaves but they attract red ants which eat up the plant roots. So I have kept to the traditional fertiliser. Place is another very important part to get good blooms on your rose bush. Select a place that receives indirect sunlight for some part of the day and not direct sunlight as the plant has to spend energy to keep itself upright in full sunlight and this energy saved can be diverted into blooms. I have also added egg shells which act as fertilizer and good calcium supplement for the rose bush to give out heavy big flowers.
Big Red Rose Flower Tips
 Tricks for heavy flowers on rose bush- fertilize it before the rains or winter when the plant grows at its best. Give at least two to three weeks time before you can see the results. Trick here is to trim the flowering ends after flowering to encourage new fresh growth quickly. As you keep trimming the weak shoots coming out of the rose bush that grows from all directions , you give the message of focus to the plant and viola! the thick stem is fully laden with red big heavy rose flowers,. You may also add ready made fertilizer that is available in packets in your local nursery shop.
Majestic Big Red Rose Growing Tricks

First Chickoo Fruit on Tree in Container
 Our first chickoo fruit, am veyr happy. The chickoo plant is growing healthy in a big container. In fact chickoos grow well in containers as you can take good care of the chickoo fruit plant in restricted area..
Chickoo Fruit on Tree
 The chickoo fruit has come after the flowering session has been over. The chickoo plant had white and yellow lovely blooms earlier which have dropped later on and the tiny buds have now grown gradually and are increasing in size, waiting to taste the sweet chickoo fruit grown in container in our terrace garden!
Chickoo Fruit on Plant in Pot
Tips for healthy chickoo fruit grown in container- fertilize the plant once ins ix months with any fertilsier available, if possible cowdung is the best bet but it may not be available everywhere and not many of us gardeners are comfortable with the use because of the smell. Trim the shoots that are growing from all directions, yes I have trimmed the chickoo plant so many times, that sometime back I realized with fear that I may not kill it, or probably it may go into coma! but the chickoo plant has given out lovely fruits after giving many flowers earlier. Now I have to see whether the chickoo fruits grow to the same size as available outside in the fruit market and of course the taste, will post update later on....
meanwhile bless the white pigeons couple live happily ever..


Sending Plants by Courier or Home Delivery of Plants

Plants are also being sent by courier or post and as the internet now rules in every field so also plants are send right to your door step by ordering online. As I had never sent or bought a plant online this took me to finding out some methods of online delivery of plants and plant cuttings. Tried this and of course it is difficult to pack and ship plants yet they arrived. 
Just one stem! guess you have to pay more for healthier plants online
It was just a single stem in plastic bag so carefully growing that.
Beautiful Artificial roses flowers online
Artificial plants are ruling now as indoor feng shuii enhancers with no hassles and care and they look so beautiful and fresh with just mild water wash. 

I have been over the years feeling so sad after every trimming session, So many cuttings go waste when in fact each small piece of plant may bring out  a new plant. As it is necessary to keep the plants trimmed and in form to keep your garden chi fresh and active, as I remove dead leaves and dead head dried flowering tips wonder how nice it would be if I could share my plants. I do not wish to make this an earning but all these cuttings would bring out so many beautiful healthy plants. This is especially true for the Ajwain plant that grows like wild and needs frequent trimmings. Each small stem of the Ajwain plant grows fast into a new  Ajwain plant. The red leafed ornamental plant grows by cuttings, the copper leaf also grows by just the cuttings, in fact the Red Canna and the Yellow Canna plants that have grown tubers and rhizomes extensively and taken over the pot need to be uprooted frequently and sown with small piece of rhizome. The remaining rhizome I have been planting small pieces in other pots and each small piece of rhizome, tuber can be grown as a new plant.
Every gardener will know about growing bulbs. They multiply profusely and since bulbs grow and multiply each baby bulb can be grown in a new plant. The colorful lillies, the amaryllis and day lillies as well as tulips and gladiolus flowering bulbs all multiply fast. Once an investment this pays off for life long and even when I keep sharing there is always more with me.
Online plant senders and home delivery of plants are a good opportunity to send and share plants. I have read many advertisements of plants delivered at your door step. From bulbs like lillies and gladiolus to rare orchid flowering plants all can be delivered to any place in the world online delivery and courier services. 
The plants ordered online must be from reputed agencies and service providers since we want the plants to be delivered alive and fresh! I read reviews about plants reaching destination with dried limping parts. Leaves dropped and yellowed, and I do understand living plants are difficult to ship due to their perishable content. Packing is very challenging as the stems need to tied together with paper and tape to help make the package smaller and fit in card board boxes. Each plant requirements are different and their packing system also is different. As we purchase plant in a carry bag from our local nursery sending plants online is totally different and requires good packing material, that is tough, water resistant and allow the plant to breathe.
Some suggestions for packing plants for online sale- Bulbs need to be dried first and then packed in loose dried mixture of soil and moss to retain the moisture. Then the packet is put in moisture and water proof bags that have linen lining which prevents the parcel to tear even during rough handling in aircraft or ships these can be delivered any place in the world by courier. Do not water plants immediately before packing in cardboard boxes as this will make the box mushy. You have to give the plant good sunlight and watering one day before so that the soil dries somewhat before packing. You don't want the receiver to get the box with smelly drained water below the package. 
I do not know the exact procedure of sending big plants in pots, guess the whole pot along with the plant grown in it may be packed in a box to keep breathing space and delivered in minimum days, they are delivered in vans and private vehicles for local city delivery. the faster the delivery service the more chances that the plant sent online delivery will reach safely.
This is such a great opportunity to own any plant from any country with this online plant buying. Maybe from another country, rare orchids...with special care and requirements growing are exclusive plants...another dream theme garden....I also look out for exotic flowering plants because our local nursery has the same collections of roses, chrysanthemums, aloe vera, money plants and mogra jasmines. 
Do share whether you have purchased plants online? what experiences did you get? I also ordered cowdung cakes online read my experience-Tips for buying online good cowdung cakes

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!


Healthy Big Size Rose Flowering Tips

Opening of Rose Flower
 Healthy rose flowers are what every gardener dreams of. When ever we plant a rose bush, a rose climber or any rose plant we expect to see healthy blooms. This time our garden has gone fragrant in the rains with many bushes, climbers and rose plants fully loaded with colourful roses.
Rose in the Rains

Pink Rose

White Fragrant Roses Climber Tips
 Tips for healthy growth of your rose plant and big flower size- I share few tips here to get good and profuse flowers on your rose plants. Rose climbers need partially shaded area as the blooms will dry off soon in sunny sections of your garden. Feed the plants with regular fertilizer available in nursery outlets. There are  also special mixtures available for roses which when given to the plants they immediately develop good sized blooms.
Shaded Yellow Orange Rose Flower on Bush
 The thorny rose plants bushes also need to get partial sunlight for few hours of the day. the soil has to be hard to bear the weight of your rose plant. Regular watering is required after fertilization the plant for the plant to develop good sized rose flowers. Since I had fed my plant just before rainy season the blooms have come out excellent and fully laded plants look coloruful in this gloomy atmosphere. With red. pink, white, peach, shaded, black red, maroon, rani pink and orange all the colours especially the yellow rose bush has blossomed well in this season.
Heavenly Fragrant Pink Rose
 Big blooms need healthy plant and I have seen the flowers of big size are almost drooping on the rose bushes and climbers. The size of the flowers is very big and the stem is unable to bear the weight of the bunches of flowers. Some climbers have been trimmed down to maintain the beauty of the rose climber whereas some rose bushes have developed good blooms and with profuse growth I have trimmed the plants even during rainy season. To check the growth of the rose flowers I have also cut many rose flowers and kept them inside to brighten up the living room and enjoy the fragrant roses.
Yellow Rose for Friendship

Beautiful red Rose Flower
 For increasing the size of the rose flowers you must allow only few blooms to grow on the  plant. Usually I select bushes without thorns as these give profuse flowers. This red rose picture is from the rose bush that has given very big flowers this year. Even the dark maroon rose flowers have been very healthy, guess the right amount of water, light, and feeding and we have been lucky with all these rose plant as long time back we had a rose climber that would grow and grow and there were no flowers on it. Finally we parted with it.  . Keep the stem thick to carry the weight of  loaded rose flowers on your rose plant. The lanky rose flower bushes  are growing like wild with so many blooms , it was worth the effort of the cuts and bruises by the thorns!
Big Size Rose Flower Tips

Beautiful Rose Flowering Tips

Big Rose Flowers in Container

Healthy rose Flowers on plant
growing big rose flowers is a dream of every one who selects to grow roses and it is necessary to understand that the rose bush needs some sunlight and also feedings regularly to flower healthily. Once the flowers have dried off even more important is to trim, dead head the flowers to encourage new growth on the rose plants.
To grow large sized roses genuine tips look here in my ebook

Heavenly Roses
 Amaltus tree golden Shower

New Healthy Brahma Kamal Plant Mistakes in Growing Brahma Kamal Plants

Finally after hearing the news of flowering of the Brahma Kamal plant from many place the obsession to see the flower on my plant has led me to feed the plant profusely , take extra care, sing and after every measure to bring the Brahma Kamal to bloom finally I have taken a drastic step, bought another Brahma Kamal plant.
New Brahma Kamal Plant
New Growth in Brahma Kamal Plant
The older plants collections Brahma Kamal plants of three different plants have been now planted in new fancy containers. Hope to see some progress in the plants now as they have competition!
The Brahma Kamal plants have been fed and now am waiting for the growth spurt. The new Brahma Kamal plant has already sent out new shoots of leaves from the existing leaf. The older plants also look fresh and green.
Problems with the Growing of Brahma Kamal Plant- My mistakes in growing the Brahms kamal plant, first I planted it in very big container, expecting big flowers, but the plant did not grow, after this I planted the Brahma Kamal plant in a sunny spot receiving full sunlight for most part of the day, the poor plant dried off, leaving behind the stub. Then I shifted the brahma kamal plant in a drier area and the plant took off, but again replanted it since the pot was too small. too many mistakes , but the brahma kamal plants have still survived with me, guess they love me too much.
The main problem in growing my brahma kamal plant was the ants or mites or bugs or spiders. yes they all love this mushy stem plant. As the leaves are soft and fleshy insects like to feed on this brahma kamal plant. Hence whenever the plant took to growing the pests ate up most part of the brahma kamal plant and left holes in the leaves.
Lessons learned, always plant in small containers, the Brahma kamal plants likes to be root bound. It is touchy does not like shifting places often or transplanting. Regular feeding with fertilizer is required for flowering like any other flowering plant so don't go with the notion and saying of people growing this plant ,that Brahma Kamla plant grows without any care and flowers every year!
. Now I have shifted place and kept the brahma kamal plants away from other plants in the terrace garden. The old plants have now firmly set root in the pots. now I have planted few plants together  in a new fancy container and since then have controlled the urge of transplanting them or touching them, keeping fingers crossed!
wait continues to experience for the blooming of the heavenly fragrant Brahma Kamla anticipation...hoping to see some Awesum blooms! Rizwana Mundewadi from my little space under the sun! Don't forget to join our face book group with the same name, Garden Care Simplified!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Read on-

Terrace Garden has gone Blue ! Blue Bells Pea fastest growing climbers

 Our garden is looking french ultramarine blue everywhere as the seeds of the fastest growing climber , pea climber or the blue bells climber have been transferred everywhere , some by birds and some by me!just wanted to break the monotony of getting bored with only roses! no fragrance here but rich blue colour dominates the garden now. On observation I found that the flowers are of two different types. Since I had planted two different variety of seeds got from different plants and though the pea pods look similar on eveyr plant the type of flowers are different .
Beautiful Electric French Ultramarine Blue Colour Flowers
 This is  a blue rose flower, same petals and furls like a rose flower, but in french ultramarine blue colour. The bright electric blue looks very attractive amongst the green foliage. this pea climber is the fastest growing climber and within fifteen days we can see a thick growth, especially if planted during rainy season.
Pea Climber Growing like Wild

Blue Bell Flower
The other pea climber flower is somewhat lighter shade and has only single furl. The interior of the flower has a yellow speck of colour to break the monotony and make the flower attractive. The colour looks like light purple lilac and is beautifully covering the whole wall , the blue bell flowering climber is known for its fats growth and this is a very good feng shui plant to be grown in the north for great career prospects. Your wealth corner will also benefit by growing this climber as this does not require much care and grows happily even on your window sill.
Blue Rose like Pea Flower
The whole climber is loaded with plenty of pods and lots of seeds. I like to store the seeds for future planting.
Storing Tips for Seeds of Blue Bells Pea Climber- The preservation process is very important as the seed pods dry and the seeds are scattered everywhere. If you wish to preserve the seeds of this fastest growing climber to grow later on or share with others you must take care to see the pods. Look at the size of the pods and select heavy pods. this can be done by touching and feeling the seed pods for seeds inside without opening the pods. In case the summer season you may allow the pods to dry on the plant and once dried you can pluck the seed pods whole and preserve the seeds in dry news paper or paper bags.
I found this profuse growth in rainy season as I had planted these blue bell plant seeds before beginning of the rainy season I needed to harvest the seeds soon. There are chances of the seed pods getting mushy with the rains so I plucked the heavy laden pods when they were looking mature, still green. They have been placed in a cool dry place to dry naturally inside the house. Once dried the seed pods can be preserved in paper bags for later use. The pods are filled with black seeds which are two three or five in number depending upon the pod size.

my ebook , Magical Gardens
  Thank You.


Feng Shui - Simple Cures: Feng shui and the garden

Feng Shui - Simple Cures: Feng shui and the garden: Very few are blessed with a garden in front or back of the house. But little do people realise that this affects the whole house and inmates...


Garden Maintenance and lawn Mowers

Lawns look good as fresh green over expanse of land is always soothing for the eyes and peace to the soul. But cutting and cleaning the lawn is another important task as especially during monsoons the grass starts growing like wild. Lawn grass during summers dries off and we see shades of yellow over the lawns. Maintenance does take a regular part of gardening lawns.
Manual Lawn Mowers
Alexandrine parakeet Mitthin has become very bossy and aggressive, she does not like attention or feeding given to other birds. The mynas, sparrows and pigeons along with crows all are scared of her as she drives them away. So the others just have to wait for their turn after she finishes eating! 
Angry Bird Mitthin angry at seeing other birds
Lawn Maintenance
Lawn mowers are available in many varieties , easy handling manual use and the other  electronic lawn mowers. The clearing of lawn grass is another tedious task as the cut grass flies everywhere with wind and has to be done during early mornings or early evenings when the wind is stable. Nowadays you also need not invest so much time and effort if you have a big garden with lawn as there are customized services available and garden maintenance people come on rent. The team comes and trims the plants and even mows the lawn at very reasonable costs.
Cut Grass on lawns being cleaned
 Garden maintenance has become very easy with this help available at reasonable rates. and they also have schemes available for yearly contracts for garden maintenance. From trimming to sowing to fertilizing the garden maintenance team takes care of your garden to keep it looking great always. Many housing societies and complexes and even offices have these garden maintenance services hired for yearly contracts as the gardens are taken care of and maintained spic and span.
peace lily flower terrace garden

my little space under the sun

When to Trim and Cut Lawn Grass- Usually the time before rainy season is the best to trim and mow your lawns. As fresh grass immediately comes up with the rains. In offices regular trimming and mowing is required to maintain the landscape design of the garden. Lawn mowing is also required just after winter when the grass has turned brown and dried off. Sometimes new seeds have to be planted and this timing is very important. Plant new grass seeds after digging the soil and with regular watering new fresh green shoots will come up.
The fresh lawn grass grows in haphazard manner and needs trimming after a desired length of grass has been achieved. Avoid planting seeds of grass during rainy season or winter season.
New Friend White Pigeon
Meanwhile there is a new addition to the friends circle, a white pigeon with its mate who is slight grey tinge with white and as mitthin is very possessive about her territory she gets very angry when we feed other birds, the most humble is the sparrow, she feeds with tiny remains also and keeps the place clean, award for most clean and tidy bird, sparrow.!
Adenium fluorescent pink flowers

My best friends budgie love birds

Thank you!

Plant a garden and your life will never be the same!!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.

Fenghuang blessings reiki collage artwork The Red Pilgrim

Reiki symbol Midas star painting in progress

Interesting posts on my Garden Care Simplified blog-Biggest Terrace garden risks hazards and tips to make your garden safe

how my Gulmohar flame of forest tree flowered in container amazing experience with photos step by step!

Is it ok to plant Aloe vera in home garden? understand feng shuii symbolism

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