How to Use Cowdung in gardening ? since olden times we have heard that adding cowdung helps the plants to grow healthy and give good flowers and fruits.In city life we hardly come in contact with cowdung and what is available is ready mixes which are packed in plastic packets and this is all we get to give nourishment to our plants.
Here I share How to use cowdung as a fertilizer and Tips for effective Use of Cowdung for Plants,
Cowdung use in growing plants, can help to
provide all the nutrients needed for healthy growth of your plants and greens.
Adding some dried cowdung in the soil while planting will give a
boost to the growth of your new plant and also help in
flowering or fruiting faster.
Fertilzer cowdung use in gardening, till date is the
best fertiliser for all types of plants, vegetables ,fruits and flowering plants.
How to use cowdung for flowering plants:-
Cowdung, does have a very very strong smell when wet! if you can tolerate this then it will work wonders to any plant.
Always use dried cowdung only for plants grown in containers in homes or terrace gardens. Unlike farms and open fields where fresh cowdung is added, as there is exposure to direct sunlight we do not get the same in cities. In case you have a diary or cowshed nearby it will be easy to get fresh cowdung but the process is too tedious. The fresh cowdung also may contain germs and insects, worms, (done all this, therefore sharing! what gardening has made me do I would never dream of doing otherwise ever) always collect fresh/dried cowdung with gloves.
Take extra precautions for diseases and flies near fresh cowdung. Best to get some dried cowdung, but if you can't and have fresh cowdung, select a thick plastic container or sheet and spread the fresh cowdung in full sunlight too dry off soon. Be ware it will emit foul smell and gases in process of drying off. Keep it away from children, pets and senior people. Cowdung needs to be dried off well to be added to home plants.
2) Drying off of fresh cowdung takes from
fifteen to thirty days depending upon the exposure of direct sunlight. So better avoid drying of cowdung in rainy season. It will start stinking and the whole environment will stink.
3) Once the cowdung has dried well, remember to
break the chunks of cowdung again to fine pieces till it gets dried well.
4) This dried cowdung can be
added with a little soil mixed or just by itself to flowering plants and vegetables and trees. Break pieces of fertilizer and add to plants every six months or once a year, depending upon the plant type and individual requirements.
5) Cowdung is the
best natural fertilzer till date and always proved to give results within few days! Though now we get some ready mixes with calculated proportions of nutrients to help the plant bloom faster, minus the smell!
Every gardener loves to get good blooms but do take precautions before bringing fresh cowdung home.What happens when you add fresh cowdung? the whole place begins too stink and even in full sunlight the process is quite slow. There are also
chances of any disease spreading due to flies and other insects seen near the cowdung.Plants may get a heavy dose of fertilser which may not always be good.
Another very important thing is that
fresh cowdung clogs the soil after few waterings and soon the whole plant may die off if not cared for.
If not sure of how much fertilizer to add,
always use sparingly. It is better to add less fertilizer than kill the plant with over dose.
Add cowdung in small qualities with other fertilizers once a way is the best option today for container gardening at home.
You will never be left empty after a feeding of dried cowdung and your plant will give you good returns in form of
healthy big sized blooms. I would say from gardening experience that it is worth the effort.
With the year 2013 coming to an end I wish all my readers HAPPY Gardening! with roses and many flowering plants growing in full swing in this winter, I still love to keep our garden in proper shape and neat, with so much color and fragrances, I wish it blooms better and may i add (squeeze, hardly any space left) some more unique plants to our family, this year there have been a few losses and a few new additions, part of gardening.
am wishing everyone a great life ahead!
Red Rose Flower in Garden |
Thank you for coming by Garden care Simplified, reading and sharing my posts and commenting and connecting, so much on our best companions and friends , our plants, All the Best!
Happy Gardening |
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