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8 Plants That can grow in no sunlight sharing my Practical experience Entryway garden challenges

ZZ plant Fat Boy
 In the second month with facing the challenges in our new entryway garden, added a few coleous, red plants, and ornamental grasses. Light is the major issue, and also watering is tricky as the soil seems wet and  dries the soil if watered less, with very low indirect sunlight coming from top opening of our 18th floor in a high rise of 29 floors.
Money Plant
 Meanwhile keeping the magic alive and the feng shuii Awesum hand painted my garden containers and pots with left over Asian oil paints. They look Awesum!
Dracaena Lemon Lime Banana Boat type of Ornamental Grass
 Used newspaper and made paper mache, interesting garden elements, thinking about adding some!Also recycling plastic bottles, Amazingly beautiful and free, easy cheap garden containers, WOW! will share in my next post creative

recycling of kitchen containers.
Pigeons did come...I cannot keep them...

hand painted garden pots

Mogra flowered entry way garden

new additions to entryway garden

happy peace lily entryway garden
 our precious Euphorbia milli goodluck cactus that flowered all year round is giving up...because since the garden is open everyone touches it again and again, a case of buri nazar, evil eye..shifted it to the window garden, seeign soem fresh greens, keeping my fingers crossed!

Flowering cactus 

fat boy flowered entry way garden
 8 plants that grow without sunlight or minimum of indirect sunlight-
My practical experience-
1) Kaamini bush, it also flowered!Its placed near, under the white light.
2) peace lily, yes,, they flowered.
3) Fat boy, ZZ plant Amazingly happy, he flowered!
4) Banana Boat ornamental grass, looks happy.
5) Chinese Bamboo plants, most happy , as they would burn off on our open terrace garden. Good they survived to become an important part of our entry way garden.
6) Snake plant mother in laws tongue, very happy.
7) Seriously I am amazed at the Jamun Tree that is growing happily and also the
8) Brahma kamal that is sending off tentacles, hoping for some blessings Lord Brahma! for those who are with me since years following my blog Garden Care Simplified know how passionately I am trying to see the flowers of Brahma Kamal but till date nothing...

Kaamini bush flowered entry way garden

New additions entry way garden

about paper mache next post

hand made recycled plastic bottle hanging planter ideas next post
ribbon grass 

Do you have a entry way garden? which plants are happy with you? what challenges do you face, do share! All the Best from Rizwana!
the healthy blooms of Brahma kamal in a home
Original photos of Brahma Kamal shared by our reader
for Brahma Kamal Modern Paintings-The Mystical Brahma Kamal
Mistakes in Growing Brahma Kamal plant
Diseases pest in Brahma Kamal plant


Why plants don't grow from cuttings? Easiest tip for growing plant from cuttings Purple hearts Tradescantia pallidia

easiest tip for growing plants from cuttings
While you buy new plants, some rare ones, are difficult to find. I always keep searching for rare ones, and maybe try to get cuttings. From shifting to a new home, the Terrace   garden sun is  no more with us and with our new entry way garden special care has to be taken of plants. added a few new ones.
So the purple hearts was on my wish list since we lost every piece of it few years back, so took a few cuttings.

Purple hearts have beautiful soft baby pink flowers.
cascading plants Purple hearts Terrace garden
I have noticed so many plants disappearing from gardens and plant nurseries, I don't know why, but reds, and purples are difficult to find now in common plant nurseries.
 Bought new crotons, spider ribbon grass, chinese roses, from a road side plant nursery. Then spotted some purple Hearts Tradescantia pallidia, and my eyes got a sparkle, so took a few cuttings, over the years I have found it very difficult to grow plants from cuttings. So I got Raat ki Raani, Purple hearts, and bought a few new plants. Purple queen.
Always I would bring cuttings and just pop them in containers. Even in some large containers and this never worked.
Not so much luck with cuttings, I found this simple tip,
1) wash the cuttings and let them dry well for a day. This helps heal the wound. I am very impatient soul, but still my plants have blessed me always. Trying my best even this time as this tip has worked for me recently.
2) Choose healthy stems, sick ones dry off.
3) Wash them and put the cuttings in some water.
For a day or two at least. there are tiny roots coming out. Be careful to avoid plant rot. as this time is crucial. Then you will be able to grow them faster.
4) Now plant the cutting in small containers, large sized pots or containers for small plants drown the small plants.
5) Avoid a very sunny place for new cuttings. Allow them indirect sunlight only.
this is a happy one with us, Growing Anant with cuttings 
Lets see how the entryway garden progresses, meanwhile there is always magic going on with nature spirits and fairies.  Fairies of Luck paintings for sale. 
love  and blessings from Rizwana!
Garden Care Simplified
Tons of information on Garden Care Simplified Blog- 
A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art 


Easiest tip to grow plants without cash! Save Babies! Entryway Garden Flowering Challenges

Two precious babies of Gulmohar
 Save babies! yes, the best way to continue the lineage and also save trees! the most happy feelings , yes saved them! with all the shifting was worried of the two babies of flame of fresh which I had saved growing under our car in the parking slot. All the other babies died after the rains with no water under the parking area. shifting home, the two stubs remained...was feeling so sad...but they have blessed me..they sprung to life.So happy!!! 
If you want to add plants without spending   any cash, here is a tip! check your parking slots, garage gardens, side way gardens , of course do not pluck from private gardens. Here, you can ask for permission for cuttings, they will be happy to share the cuttings they throw as garbage!   
Silicone Gel roses 
I would request the gardeners to just tell me when they are cutting, trimming their plants and then I would bring the cuttings. I am so fond of flowering exotic plants that I keep adding every year, every season.  This time due to the fasting month of Ramzaan and with all the making space for each item in our new home we have begun two gardens, one is the entryway passage garden and the other is the window sill garden. Searching you tube and reading a lot on diy gardening ideas and diy creative pots, recycling, upcycling and lots more!
Tried the silicone roses, they are beautiful, there are so many creative ideas to decorate gardens with shells , gels and stones.
DIY shells very easy Garden decoration ideas
 Hand painted some shells, DIY so easy shells! creative ideas are so many. Lines, leaves, flowers, landscapes can be painted on these tiny shells!with pens, glitter pens, acrylic paints, its so simple and easy, just don't use water colours!
Adenium Rhizome transplanted
The Adenium Rhizome that I transplanted, with all doubts of the entryway garden challenges.. less sunlight, only few hours indirect sunlight. Careful watering, spraying leaves to keep the dust away so that the plants are is happy in the entryway garden and given out a bud, facing the entryway challenges and Turning victorious!
Adenium Flower bud from my little entryway garden
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Blue Pea Flower 6 tips for planting seeds make at home Blue herbal tea

Blue pea flower, after the
Blue Pea Flower

Seed pods of Blue pea flower

Planting seeds of Blue pea flower
overflowing blue bells, pea flower climber that had taken oner our terrace garden, now here, planting some fresh seeds in my entryway garden. Butterfly pea flower as it is commonly known as has amazing health benefits. And what more, you can prepare blue herbal tea at home and enjoy good health. Clitoria ternatea, butterfly blue flowers overflow on this very easy growing climber. 1) The climber grows profusely and gives out beautifully unfurling bell shaped blue flowers. 2) The plant gives out pods that have five to seven black seeds. 3) Allow the pods to dry well on the plant itself.4)Do not pluck green pods, dried pods give seeds ready to plant. 5) Tip! Do not keep these near other flowering pots, the climber covers them all and there is also risk of the other plants getting less sunlight. 6) very fast growing climber, over trellis, partitions, garden design. Want to cover your garden wall, this is the best choice! Ultramarine blue flowers! Fantastic activators of third eye chakra, wisdom , career luck, attract opportunities,  feng shuii plant for wealth and mentor luck. In Feng Shuii garden, Best for north and northwest sector.   Came to know recently that these blueflowers have immense health benefits. It is the main ingredient used to make blue tea, herbal tea. Decoction of blue pea flowers. Refreshing , vitamins rich along with lemon grass and few drops of lemon, kick start your day !!! Blue Herbal Tea!!! And gone is the boring tea, now a refreshing blue purple coloured tea!!! Blue tea ice cubes, blue tea cool drink! Enjoy! Did you try this Blue herbal tea?do share! All the Best from Rizwana!


How to arrange lily bulbs spacing of bulbs in container 7 tips for quick flowering with photos

Arranging Amaryllis plant bulbs in container
Amaryllis Lily flowers

 How to arrange plant bulbs for best and quick flowering? we all want to see the majestic show of lilly flowers, and these Amaryllis lily flowers are so huge , one stalk has four of five flowers and last for many  weeks.
The roots of Amaryllis lily bulb 
more roots means less flowers

Growing Gumohar Flame of Forest tree in container my biggest challenge and Joy!

The best tips and tricks to flowering bulbs faster, i have used these and they are Amazing!  with so many trials and error methods I have come up with this-
1) They love to be root bound. small containers give good flowers.  
over grown roots of lily flower bulb plant

tight growth brings easy flowers but they need space to grow

I trim the long leaves sometimes to encourage growth

the happy bulbs start on their own!

Most prone to these disease white fungus and ants aphids

2) I trim their long tentacles during summer and they give out flowers. Because most of their energy goes in conserving those long tentacle leaves. Trimming brings a spurt of fresh growth .
3) If there are too many roots the leaves start to turn yellow and dry and then they do not give flowers. So see that the roots are proportionate and not taking over the whole container. The leaves indicate when repotting bulbs is required. 
4) I have never added any fertilizer, but cowdung mixture during potting soil helps. In fact they need less soil , just to keep their roots.
best natural fertilizer for plants cowdung cakes

I purchased cowdung cakes online

online cowdung cakes for garden havan religious rituals
Read here-How much feeding to add?
birds come flying for drinking and bathing my terrace garden feng shuii great!

That's a corner  of my little space under the sun!

Beautiful love Honey and Birdie my cute love birds

Big size Amaryllis bloom close up

Plump buds on lily plant

5) Spacing of bulbs is very important. Do not plant the bulbs at very far distances in pot. Usually I leave a few inches only surrounding the bulb planted. Closer planted bulbs grow better and flower fast.
6) Another practical tip- trim roots  of the bulb when repotting. They already have good energy stored in bulb. You can trim some roots and then repot to encourage growth.
7) Never forget to water the bulbs when you want flowers. and also once you see the bud on lilly plant appear do not shift place of the container. 
Amaryllis flower

Red Lily and white peace lily flowers
worked for my bulbs always, Hope this helps!
Plant a Garden me your life will become magical!!
Garden Care Simplified

Thank you so much for your love and support to Garden Care Simplified!
If you have any doubts, queries and issues with your container plants do comment on my blog posts, I will be so happy to guide you! for the love of Gardening!
All the Best from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants, this is my love and passion, I am A Healing Artist! The Red Pilgrim dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading Reiki energy with the world through my Symbol healing paintings!

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