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Why Brahma Kamal bud drops? How to increase vase life of Brahma kamal flower? Is there a best time to buy or plant this ?


  • Brahma Kamal, Saussurea obvallata,  plants with their mystic energies and fantasia tales still holds a precious part of ,my heart and my window garden.
    Brahma Kamal flower photo shared by a Blog fan follower
    Brahma Kamal flower photo shared by a Blog fan follower

    My Terrace Garden Old Brahma Kamal plant

    Flower Brahma Kamal photo shared by Garden Care Simplified Blog reader

    I did that...
  • and I did that..DIY Brahma Kamal recycled pots home decor.
  • and that too! .read- Clicked secret photo's of buds from someone's' window!
    and I did that! painted the flowers, to please Brahma Kamal! Blooms of Opulence!

    growing with a coir stick support

    It is believed in Hinduism culture that the Brahma Kamal plant only flowers in some homes and those are chosen to experience goodluck in form of good news, wealth and happiness. So the journey of love continues with yet waiting to see Lord Brahma blossom the creative energies in my home. The wait is I read a few years to fourteen years for this plant to begin showing its first flowers. And I still remember the first bud that was reining heavily and the plant was on our terrace garden...I didn't even know the bud and later saw its minute details, explicit beauty! things would have been so different had I seen the flower blossom at that time, so many years back, but my passion continues. I have three pots with healthy growing plants of Brahma Kamal. So the obsession became a passion of collecting plants from different places, cities,  and growing them. Many died ( I wrote this post-Am I a serial killer?)and few remain. Why my Brahma Kamal plants got angry?  But now I can write a thesis about this plant!,Saussurea obvallata, 
  •   yes, there are always scientific reasons and if you have the right knowledge, and apply it,  this plant will flower! I keep reading, searching on Google for Brahma Kamal flowering time, and watch You Tube videos but no one shares the exact formula. People just make videos and share the same info. Is there a magical aspect and maybe the quote is apt-keep the hustle on! so I do. 
  • Why do buds form and then fall off on this Brahma Kamal plant? Many people struggle with this. First when a new bud comes it is a miracle in itself with hope and joy and then if it falls off people get depressed. This is a plant and it needs its care trust me on that. Observe its habits, understand its growth process, and talk to your plant. There is a scientific reason why Brahma Kamal plant buds drop.
  • 1) The plant is too weak. A newly planted Brahma Kamal leaf is not very strong to hold the weight of this bud. The flowers are really heavy and big in size as shared by my Blog Garden care Simplified  readers.
  • Read here- How to save a dying Brahma Kamal plant?
  • 2) Disease and pests in Brahma Kamal Plant. The Brahma Kamal plant is a succulent, means the leaves are fleshy and have stored water. They attract pests, beetles, bugs make tiny holes in them. Slugs feast upon them and ants too love these! I am so happy that they are MashaAllah going healthy in my window garden. and I keep a check on their health regularly. watch this You Tube video Brahma Kamal plant disease and care. BE ALERT! that is my motto! 
  • 3)Watering issues .Why Brahma Kamal plant leaves go limp?
  • Fantastic Photos-original in these magical posts- This Brahma Kamal flower photos shared by Garden Care Simplified Fan reader. and this one is WOW Brahma Kamal Photos by blog  Follower! 
  • Video of flowering, another post with original photos, 
  • This blessed home shared Brahma Kamal photos, 
  • Original photos' of Brahma Kamal flowering by a fan. 
  • Watering is I think most important issue for leaf and bud drop. leaves get mushy with over watering and rot. And less watering too dries the roots and the leaves or bud drops. 
  • 4) feedings. how much fertilizer did you feed your plant? there is a tendency to over feed to get fast flowers but the plant has to absorb or digest this feeding and many times plants die of over dose. I have seen even other plants like mogra and roses that immediately spright up with so many tiny buds and even before they grow the buds drop off. Reason-too much fertilizer. Give less food, and more love. Too much green foliage is also harmful, where will the plant get strength to produce flowers?
  • 5) Environment. Did a pet or a small child just pluck it off while observing the bud? Harsh winds and rains in outside environment can be the reason for bud drop. If it shows buds protect it. they are precious. talk to the plant before shifting it. You have to protect your plant buds from others, especially evil eye glances. the ANNOUNCEMENT is only made on the night when the flower actually blooms. You may have seen the movie Dennis the Menace and Mr Wilson struggles growing a unique plant that flowers once in life time, like fifty or sixty years,  the bud is about to open and the chaos by Dennis , no one even gets to see it and the flower closes wilts off! Better keep your plant protected! Correct way to use Salt tips to protect from evil eye.  Some people also ties a black cloth for protecting plants.
  • About increasing the vase life of Brahma Kamal. In my previous posts I have rated the Brahma Kamal plants as top most in most expensive plants of the world because of tis very low shelf life. Only a single night and the flower dries off the next morning so it cannot be sold or gifted. I am sure the world is experimenting on this plant to increase its shelf life and to hold the magic for a longer period. I have not seen the flowers and maybe when i see I will try various things too! I have read people cut the flowers and keep in rich preservative added water but to no success. Some people have tried to refrigerate the blooms but still nothing. I am sure we will find a way to store it somehow in the future soon. And who knows there will be magic grow , something created with a formula of fertilizers, that will give you Brahma Kamal flowers every month and all year round! 

    Adding some nutrients may keep the cut flower fresh in water vase. Flower store owners know the magic formula. Cut flowers are offered to God in temples first and then they are placed in water. Usually let the flowers remain on the plant itself. Maybe mimicking the night may allow the flowers to remain for a longer time? try it and share! 

    When do you buy Brahma Kamal plants? is there a good time? a best time to plant them? Avoid summers, choose full moon nights to plant this auspicious plant if you have the choice. the energies are high. Never buy or plant  Brahma Kamal saplings at night. Never cut the leaves at night. Never share a cutting during afternoon twelve o'clock with anyone. you risk your plant dying! Usually I buy plants in morning or evening and bring them home before night. I plant new saplings during early hours of the day. This method allows the plant to adjust to the new home, new soil and pot for the whole day before night falls. 

    When you have a leaf of Brahma Kamal allow it to dry for a day or two and then plant them. Before ten in morning you can choose a time. make some intentions and talk to your plant while you pot it. This helps the new sapling to bond with you. 

    I think early winter is a good time when the cactus, Brahma Kamal leaf gets time to live dormant and then sprout into new shoots of leaves. 

    As my wait continues do keep sharing your happiness's! I am sure there are so many homes who are now witnessing this mystical miracle! of watching the Brahma Kamal flower blooming!

    Thank you very much for coming by Garden Care Simplified! 

    Happy gardening from Rizwana!

    Dedicated since year 2010 towards sharing passionately practical workable gardening information and flowering tips in exotic plants with original photos on my Google blog Garden Care Simplified! Not a plant seller, A Healing artist selling original reiki paintings. 


Where do you get vegetable seeds? Grow Palak at home!What are Kitchen garden requirements? World rating Brahma Kamal flowers

 Hi everyone A Very Happy Deepavali,a precious festival of lights that is new beginnings and Welcoming Prosperity, that is celebrated with lots of excitement in India. And all over the world by Hindus especially but people of all cultures light crackers and enjoy light show. This year lockdown did not Stop us, we have zoom and WhatsApp to connect with our families! Buying vegetable seeds, kitchen garden requirements and mystical Brahma Kamal rating at world's level, in this interesting post today! ( Have been very busy with my new art website on wix as I closed my old website of six and half years with FASO websites, newness freshness and lots of offers on reiki feng shuii paintings, do visit for out of the box New year art gifts!

Lots of excitement because first time I started growing plants from seeds. Usually flowering plants from my terrace and window garden would drop flowers and new babies came up naturally, I have a bad record of growing plants from seeds. Need came up because my pet budgies love spinach, Palakespecially my Greeny male, I call him Popeye, he loves greens. I feed my love birds with mix, seeds, spinach, cooked rice and of course for the calcium needs, there is the fish cuttle bone. In lockdown there was the challenge to find food, but had us connected with great products and fast delivery. I am really thankful for this blessings by Amazon.

So since fresh vegetables, greens were difficult, to get these regularly. I bought even few spinach leaves for fifty rupees, but they were dried and insect eaten. The search on Google, I love Google, its my best guide and teacher, and I wish Google happy teachers Day and also on Guru Poornima! How to grow Palak at home?

Best vegetable seeds are available online. Amazon has offers, but you also have online plant nurseries who deliver seeds to your home. They come in air sealed paper packets, I saw spinach/palak  seeds for the first time.

Spinach seeds online purchase
spinach seeds close up 

Bougainvillea flowers in Window Garden
Read-window garden makeover and bright pots! and this interesting post-  Make herb garden for free!
Planted spinach Palak seeds

Fresh sprouts of Spinach Palak Green leafy vegetable

in five days sprouts of Palak spinach 

My Healthy happy money plant check Money plant infinity technique

In a week spinach/palak  saplings

Took a few and planted them, and in five days they came up ,tiny beautiful babies with new life, Freshest Palak!  With the window net now I don't have the worries of terrace garden where young saplings were feasted by birds!

Baby spinach saplings

Kitchen Gardens are such an Awesome way to bring feng shuii energy in your home. Healthy greens are easy to grow from seeds and cuttings. I have already written about mint, curry leaves, oregano ajwain, green chillies, black pepper, and fruits,  growing from market bought cuttings seeds in previous posts 

Let's move to practical information on Kitchen Garden requirements-

1) Sunlight is essential but even few hours indirect lighting is sufficient.

2) Windows, Kitchen sill or smaller space also is ok.

3) Begin with small pots. In fact herbs grow well in small containers. And I can't pink or move large pots so be careful of your back, because we need to always keep checking, trimming, feeding and watering as also repotting. 

4) Rich soil is important. Kitchen remains act as good fertilizer, but be careful of smell and rats if its open window. Ours ,we made it safe first' and then started our window garden.

5) keep the base clear. Plates below the pot are good idea to prevent water spillage outside your home wall  have installed a stone border so no water leaks out.  Plates under pots need lots of care. I avoid this because a) they stop air flow from bottom of container making the plants soil soggy and  b) too much risks of insects mosquito breeding. 

Which leads us to an important point of kitchen gardening,

6) water accumulation must be avoided. I have specially made the granite stone hedge for my window garden so that water does not spill out staining the building wall from outside. It is very important to avoid water accumulation and yet keep your plants hydrated and happy. 

7) Be selective in growing plants. Vegetables need some space as well as protective sprays from insects and pests so avoid if the kitchen widow is near your kitchen counter top. We don't want creepy worms coming inside! I prefer my herbs to be in small pots and only selective few.

Brahma Kamal flower Rating in the world!

Trying to please Lord Brahma! The God of Creation! Did you know the precious Brahma Kamal plant, Saussurea obvallata, actually a cactus, with its unique flowering mode, the plant flowers after fourteen of fifteen years ,some say seven years and some boast of few months their Brahma Kamal leaf flowered! is on the world famous flowers list. (Practical informative post- How to save a dying Brahma Kamal plant)

Unique quality of blooming late evening and drying off before sunrise, only one night life, and the wait is so long, hence the Brahma Kamal flower is rated number one amongst flowers of the world and the costliest flower in the world. This flower cannot be gifted nor used for decorations for any functions. Due to its limited shelf life Brahma Kamal flower, Night Queen flower is the costliest flower ,and however I wished to buy a ready budding Brahma Kamal I am yet to find one! So fingers crossed for my window Brahma Kamal flowers, watch the video on You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim.

With tons of excitement observing daily progress of spinach babies, hoping my Popeye loves these and with Tons of Magic there is always Joy in my garden! Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You Happy Gardening!

A Reiki healing artist, I do not sell plants!


Money plant Infinity technique, money plant growing feng shui ideas and Can You Take Brahma Kamal leaf in plane

Infinity symbol growing money plant! Very excited to share creative best feng shui energy way to attract wealth and money luck. why Feng shuii Masters advised to never have money plant at home?  yes, true and how you can use money plant with right growing technique for benefits. creative techniques are always welcome and I have been growing money plants since childhood and love the ease with which they grow. But yes, there was a time when all my plants died, one small stem remained, and I was feeling so sad and low because of its feng shui symbolism in life.
Thick roots from the money plant climber
Starting setting up the Infinity symbol stick for money plant
Home made with love! money plant growing technique
Making infinity symbol with leftover wire mesh
The roots are alive and with strong sucking energy vibes!
Money plants cling to cement walls too 
So Golden pothos, money plants are seen everywhere growing vines, climbing walls like wild, but, trust me they don't grow by everyone. Some people still struggle with growing these beautiful money plants Let's get started with the Infinity symbol money plant growing technique. So understanding symbolism I love the infinity symbol with its limitless energy and why not grow my money plants in this style pattern. This is so beautiful! I took a plastic rod, covered it with layers of old cotton rags (cotton is important, synthetic material will l not absorb water and keeping the material wet is important for growth) took some leftover net from windows frames and gave them shape of infinity symbol. 
As I planted it in the money plant container and guided the long roots of this climber, it looked so naturally happy to get a specific direction. I know I will have to keep a check on controlling money plant from taking any other form by trimming and redirecting new shoots to the frame.
 Did you know this famous money plant was till few years back actually hated by people? yes, as people listened to Feng shuii Masters many threw the plants from home. Why? because Masters advised that the plant always needs support and clings to anything, so also people staying in that place will never be able to work confidently alone. They will always be dependent on others and will not achieve anything without others help. Then scientifically as I observe the growth I sometimes do feel its energy, yes, the roots have very strong clinging energy and trust me money plants cling to strong cemented walls too! And the roots are so strong, you need heavy cutters scissors to trim them. The leaves of such wall or tree mounted money plants are huge, really huge. There is a belief that you have to steal its cutting and only then it will grow. I don't know, but that you have to love and care for any plant to grow, because I have killed money plants too! and yes, when people say don't buy money plant, well, then all are  not used to stealing! isn't it! so we better go and buy.
 that is expertise of years of Gardening, windows, terrace, entryway, passage and windows sill gardening. Each has their own challenges. 
So we have to understand the symbolism and feng shuii of this plant and use it for our benefit. Guiding the plant with controlled environment and facilities will help us to get its goodluck and ward off the evil luck coming from this. While we want the inmates and family members to love and respect each other some amount of inter dependency is needed but not too much. So by allowing the money plant with its clinging symbolism to grow in planned and directed manner we sort out our lives too. Try it and do share! I am so sure the truth will surprise you!
Then another great feng shuii technique to grow money plant is with ready made coir stick. ordered from Amazon and they are good. Ready made and you just have to stick in the soil of your money plant container and train or tie your climber to it, guiding the plant to grow in circular form. 
Coir sticks ordered from
Money plant growing technique with coir stick

Then power packed technique to grow wealth luck feng shuii! Chinese Bamboo plants that are grown in pairs, can also act as support to the beautiful money plants and it looks so creative and both mutually benefit each other. This is best feng shuii energy for south east, try it and do share your experiences with money flow!
Money plant technique growing with Chinese Goodluck Bamboo Plants

Since two Chinese Bamboo plants in wealth sector are great feng shuii we can power pack the sector with added energy of growing money plant. This attracts good health, relationships elders blessings and wealth. 
Coming to the title of query can you travel with Brahma kamal leaf in plane? the plant rare and precious is loved and though just a succulent growing wild it has been ranked as the world's costliest flower due to its very less shelf life and spiritual symbolism. The Brahma Kamal plants rarely blooms, and as goes the lore that only in those homes where luck and blessings are chosen for. In fact I  have been struggling with growing the plants since past many years in my terrace garden. 
Added support  of coir stick to the long leaves of Brahma Kamal Plant
In my window garden there are three healthy growing plants and now added coir stick support to one because the longs elongated leaves spread out on the floor and attracts pests and then are eaten up ending with holes in leaves!
The best part of this succulent is it is easy growing if you know the technique. And trust me it takes months to sprout from cuttings and not so easy as shown in many you tube channel videos, too good to be true! 
You have to give rich soil, carefully water and then wait patiently for the plant cutting to grow, and also take care that in this process no pests attack the new sapling!
Plants are carried in plane and even shipped world wide. We also are now buying plants online that are carefully packed and shipped to destinations around the globe. 
Brahma Kamal leaf can be cut and dried a bit for a day before shipping it. I find wrapping it in tissue paper helps retain some moisture in the plant. Earlier newspapers were used but now tissues are more clean and hygienic and no issues of inks bleeding. I also store my green leafy vegetable in air tight containers with tissues so they are fresh for fifteen days in fridge. There are no worries as the plant heals and then sprouts so you can plant within a week or so. Sending leaf cuttings is better that shipping a potted plant to avoid stress to the plant. This plant can also be grown in windows if you get some indirect sunlight for few hours. 
Take a cutting , apply some soil to the cut portion immediately and let it dry. Then wrap it in layers of tissues. Then of course your brown paper or water proof paper bag, or box for shipping. The best part for this Brahma Kamal plant is that it can grow into a new plant even from a one inch cutting. 
Still waiting for seeing some blooms and hope Lord Braham of creation is pleased soon!  caring for my plants with dedication and love!
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
check Brahma Kamal plant disease and care - post

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
Sorry I have not posted much, have uploaded You Tube videos and my shifted my website to a new provider wix from the older one where my website was was more than 6 and half years old at FASO, do drop by for some exclusive Reiki symbol paintings!

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