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My Beautiful Escape! Terrace Garden Blessings and Inspirations for healing artist Rizwana A Mundewadi

Gardening forms the second important part in my life. Making healing art with flowing Reiki energies (my reiki flower healing paintings)  Gardening is an inspiration, support, and a way to connect to mother Earth. Absolutely feels so connected with pure Gaia blessings touching the soil, planting, pottign, cutting, transplanting, gardening brings so much joy!! Its my beautiful escape and once in there you will find me so engrossed that I forget the time, and everything else. Making a visual impact with my garden and giving the best place for every plant there, is my aim and of course every single plant communicates their needs ..if we listen. 
Feels so amazing touching the soil Earth luck gaia blessings

The blooming of flowers and the new fresh green leaves emerging gives a fresh and energized new start to the day. I am among the lucky few to have a small terrace garden and I make the most of it!
Close Up of Big Red Amaryllis Flower
Purple Beauty

Purple Petunia inspiration for floral abstracts
Vibrant Pink and White Bougainvellias
A few collection of photographs from my cherished Terrace garden!
Corner Decoration in Garden
the bougainvelleas are the sturdy ones that have been with me for long...true life partners.
The display was some years back. Don't expect to see the same garden twice! it keeps changing like our life ...friends come..friends go... life goes on.. some plants bloom better, some die and some flourish.. and some sturdy ones who take my moodiness and climatic torture are to be for lifetime!
The Cloudy Sky

Close Up of The Pink Adenium Flower read- Power of Pink Plants
Bunch of Adenium Flowers How to save Adenium Rhizome
Having an open terrace private garden in this pent house is a blessing. Not only I get  apiece of land but also a piece of my sky! Life has never been the same, with excitement and joy every plant brings to me. It is a fresh energy, a struggle, a lesson and also the energy of care and selfless love. A beautiful escape I can spend hours watching the plants and the flowers. each one popping to get my attention and love, I have their pet names, I scold them, I pamper them sometimes and it is the best time that is spraying water to them. They are compactly snugly fitted to make the most of this 12x12 feet terrace garden. 
Watch videos on My You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim in this playlist My Terrace Garden plants and Birds.
My Entryway Garden Plants and Challenges.
Beautiful Fragrant Roses from my GardenWhat does colour of rose symbolize? different meaning explained
 Is the gift of roses harmful for your relationship? read in this feng shuii post.
Snow Queen a beautiful white leaves plantSnow Bush ,Caterpillar and growing Chillie Plants
 How much to add? what is the best fertilizer for your plants? read in this Garden Care Simplified Post.
my beautiful escape! my terrace garden! 

Exotic Hippeastrum Amaryllis

The Lucky Feng Shui Chinese Bamboo Plant

Terrace Garden Bird friends

Healthy Growing Tips for Jasmine Plants

Healthy Amaryllis bulbs blooming with joy

planting Amaryllis

Seed Burst in Adenium Prosperity Plants with original photographs

Enchanting Munnar Read here- Kerala tea Plantations Original photographs

Red Roses in bloom

always adding new colours to my garden

Garden Ornaments pots with recycled paper

Spray Gun for watering is a boon!

Anthurium flowers

DIY fancy plant containers

I love the soil!


Pink star cluster

Succulent Jade Feng Shuii Number symbolism wealth luck plant

Raat ki Raani
read about- Thailand goodluck prosperity plant
Goodluck flowers Reiki painting for kitchen family blessings and wealth luck

Allamanda Blanchetti

The Beautiful Sky Above
Light Pink Petunia Flowers
Close Up of Shaded Pink Petunia Flower

Beautiful Colourful Petunia Flowers/Original garden Flower Photos of Petunia flowers

Single Pink Petunia Flower
Bunches of Baby Pink Petunia Flowers
The best season for petunias is from October till May. Planting is done after the rains as these do not tolerate heavy rains. Seasonal flowering but it is worth the show!
Plants grow from seeds and are not transplanted by cuttings.
Watering care is most important as they need well draining soil. The roots are very delicate and do not tolerate more water. Even dry spells are not good for the plant as the delicate roots dry up very fast. Regular watering is required daily. Best grown in hanging baskets.

Wide mouthed basket of cane layered with dried roots and dead foliage act as nourishment to this plant. Fertilize it with salts and compost for more flowering but do not over do it.There are a variety of colours and patterns available in this type of flowering plants. And new shades are always added every year by cross breeding seeds of the original colours.
Shaded Purple Petunia Flower

Red Shaded Petunia Flower

Single Purple Petunia Flower
Purple Petunias in Full Bloom
They always flower in bunches and hence quite a number of flowers are always visible on the plant. This is a very nice way of bringing colour in your garden,balcony or window sill. Care must be taken to avoid over watering other wise there is root root and the plant comes out of the pot due to mushy roots.
Bright Popping Pink flowers 

Spiritual colour Dark Velvety healing energy Purple flower
Too much sunlight also damages the foliage and the green leaves dry out as also the roots dry out resulting in death of the plant. Continuous exposure of direct sunlight must be avoided also keeping in mind that sunlight is very necessary for all flowering plants.Partial shade or place having exposure of sun only during first half of the day is ideal for healthy growth.
The best part is it these plants are available in many colours and flower profusely. They are also cheap and compaed to other flowering plants give more flowers. According to feng shui flowers bring life to the garden and home. Colourful flowers bring positive energy and refresh the environment as well the mood of the viewer. They are the best way to bring colour in your life!

Shaded variety are the most attractive
Beware of the pest attack! they are very delicate and usually attacked by rats and pigeons during summer to cool off during heat. Birds may pluck on the foliage or even uproot the whole plant for getting a cool base to sit!!!! rats can hide below the foliage and nibble on the delicate leaves and flowers. Pinching flowers is also a favorite past time for birds. Cover your plant with a net and place some garden element or black cloth near them to scare the birds. For me a small piece of plastic bag tied around the stems works fine ...till now.....there is daily war of survival with them and I have to be alert to protect my plants from the pigeons.
Also feeding them regularly has kept them satisfied and they do not attack my plants in search for food..
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You Awesum Luck, Happy Gardening! from my little space under the sun!
watch my little space under the sun Garden Care Simplified Videos
Healthy Growing Tips for Jasmine Plants

Flowering Cactus Care/Euphorbial Milli /Best Goodluck Feng Shui Plant

Flowering Cactus Euphorbia Milli Goodluck Plant of Thailand
 This is a very beautiful and attractive plant having green foliage and peach coloured flowers all year long. Known as the Auspicious plant of goodluck in Thailand you will see every home adorning with this special cactus plants at entryways. The belief prevails that this cactus plant attracts abundance and goodluck and also provides protection to the home and its inmates from evil eye, spirits and negative energies. The green leaves are elongated and cover the spikes/thorns. 
buy Reiki evil eye paintings.  It has its own protective covering of bright green leaves which conceals the thorns well. This is a good choice for new gardeners as this does not require much care. Absolutely carefree, only watering in few days and it flowers naturally during seasons and most times we see the flowers all year round. 
Last month during heavy rains it had become very slushy and mushy and the stem started to rot. Well it does not tolerate heavy downpour and it is advisable to keep it under part shade during rainy season. This plant also is a favourite home for butterflies to lay eggs due to the extensive green foliage. My plant had nearly more than fifty eggs and though I felt very bad in cleaning them but I had to save my plant. I have noticed the caterpillars have a voracious appetite and if neglected the plant may succumb to continuous feeding by them. They eat up all the leaves and thus you may have stubs of cactus remaining. Once we also had an influence of terrific evil eye and the cactus nearly almost killed itself protecting us! even cactus dies with negative touch-read my experience.

Interesting postsHibiscus Plant care in Winter

Why I plant colours?

Snow daisy bush

Why you must remove plastic bags from new saplings

Why you are not able to grow plants in hanging baskets

Water requirements are not much and can be watered on alternate days or when the upper layer of the mud seems dry. Compost may be added after few months to replenish the soil from lost nutrition due to watering.
Attractive but only for those that are comfortable with thorny plants. In Feng Shui it is advisable to avoid plants having thorns but I personally feel as in life there is happiness and sadness one cannot oversee the sad moments as they are the real spice in our lives and they make the happy moments more happier! my husband has selected this plant and even though at first I was reluctant to take care of it , somehow it has made a place in my heart with its attractive flowers and bright green leaves.
Peach Coloured Cactus Flowers
The perspective today has changed and people are adding small cactus plants for goodluck and protection. the strength, perseverance of cactus and its ability to grow in stubborn conditions makes it a good feng shuii goodluck plant. 
Close Up of Cactus Flower
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified! Do like, comment, share!
All the Best from Rizwana!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana! Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life!

I do not sell plants, this is my love and passion! A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!

Read on Garden Care Simplified- Shevanthi Chrysanthemums flowering tips

6 decorating precautions with using real christmas tree plant
simple tips for selecting plants as gifts
If you have any doubts, queries and issues with your container plants do comment on my blog posts, I will surely guide you, answer with love!

Beautiful Reiki flower paintings for dining kitchen for familys bonding 
 health wealth wellness 

All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010- Rizwana A.Mundewadi


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