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Covid-19 Lockdown times Garden hobbies/Easy steps Grow Mint at Home/ Best Money Feng Shui North Garden 5 tips

Lockdown times Covid-19 housebound here is a post on Garden Care Simplified that will bring fresh herbs to your garden and also a good garden hobbies past time during the Corona Virus outbreak. The world is facing times of emotional and physical financial issues, not only home bound but also fear of the virus attack. here is a free Reiki healing arts meditation video for safety shield against virus.
No chance of buying new plants there were also issues coming up with herbs to be added in dishes. I love to add mint and curry leaves, both have immense health benefits and healing properties for our mind body and spirit. Mint aids in digestion, eases out bloating, reduces acidity and the fragrance uplifts mood and mind. The best part, mint is one of the best feng shui plants to attract money wealth luck. Never knew this? Symbolism of Mint in feng shuii is very strong firstly due to the name itself "Mint" Mint is where coins are made. My father is a retired Works Manager from India Government Mint Mumbai. Actually coins are made, MINT, symbolic of growing making money. So the name itself, MINT,  brings images of coins, and tons of coins made! The colour of mint is also the colour of growth and wealth in feng shuii. 
Healthy fresh herb Mint growing at Home Covid-19 lockdown times
Practical tip here! As you add mint you will see that the green mint leaves turn black in dishes. The trick to add mint, is I always break the leaves by hand and add fine pieces for the fragrance to last longer in any dish. I also do this for coriander leaves. I wash the mint and sometimes soak them in cold water for few minutes. Then add the mint leaves to dishes and they surprisingly remain green for longer periods on the served dishes. This way I feel my personal energy intentions also adds up to the dishes and they attract good health. I used to chop them earlier with knife but then this method is more personal and you will notice immense health benefits, try this! the mint leaves into pieces by hand instead of knife.
This post will be a life changer in terms of feng shuii career opportunities and wealth luck as you read and implement the tips shared here. And that too so cheap! I am also sharing step by step how to grow mint and curry leaves during this lock down times so that you have fresh supply of herbs at home.
Symbolically the first step to grow money! The Universe loves this. as you bring mint from market always add a few stems to a container. this way you plant money every time you buy and bring mint home, you bring money home. Doesn't matter if you are unable to grow mint successfully. Even if the planted mint leaves dry do not worry, remove the dead stems and add fresh ones again. Mint herb plant are very cheap and have strong feng shuii wealth luck symbolism. 
Best feng shui North garden tips 
Photos of my North window garden. easily activate feng shuii North sector with plants. Wealth career opportunities with plants!
sharing 5 tips here for a Feng shuii North garden to attract wealth luck. Read tons on Rizwana's Google blog  Feng Shui-Simple Cures
1) Have a pair of bamboo Plants-Always a win win formula for any sector. Two Chinese Bamboo Good luck plants are powerful feng shuii activators of Goodluck wealth and success.
2) Tradescantia pallida Purple Hearts Purple leaves Plant is the Best feng shuii plant for North sector gardens. The colour purple is a prosperity colour. The leaves of Purple hearts trailing over flowing the pot symbolize water flowing in. Purple Queen or Purple Hearts plants is grown very easily by cuttings and is Best feng shuii plant to attract career opportunities and wealth. 
The cascading effect is beautiful wealth feng shuii.
Allamanda Blanchetti purple mauve flowers plant

selecting mint stems for growing at home 
Piper Nigrum Black pepper plants growing at home
Best wealth luck feng shuii plant

 3) Tall plants are also Good feng shui for north facing gardens. Snake plants , Mother In Law's tongue as they are known as are also good plants for protection from evil eye and negative energies in your home. Read my personal experience of How cactus dies with evil eye negative energy..
Best feng shuii North garden plant
Make fresh Corn Pakoras during Lockdown times with this easy recipe!
Feng shui North garden career luck plant
4) North Feng shuii gardens can also have Zen gardens and shells conchs are beautiful Education luck activators.  This posts here- 9 Best miniature garden feng shui plants
Important Garden Posts-  Why you must remove plastic bags from new saplings
5) Bottles and Jars are good activators of wealth. Choose narrow mouthed vases and jars to accumulate wealth luck. Avoid too many empty bottles as they may suck up the luck flow. Remember to wash the empty vases bottles jars regularly to avoid stagnant energy accumulation in North sector.

Feng shui North garden tips Garden Care Simplified
Sharing my personal experience with growing Mint and curry leaves at home for free!
Now you will not have to wait to get fresh herbs during lockdown times. start soon and have your free supply of herbs from small container window garden plants.
Growing Curry leaves plant at home from cuttings lockdown times garden hobbies
1) For mint choose thick stems from the market bought herbs. 
2) Pluck leaves for dishes but leave few tiny pinches on the stem. 
3) End part of every stem must be cut off. This will open the clogged sealed pores of the stem.
4) Put the stems dipped in container of water. You will see within few hours the stems become fresh and erect. 
5) Plant the stems in any small container with rich soil.
Grow herbs at home mint easy growing tips
6) choose a place with indirect sunlight other wise the newly planted stems will dry off. Do not skip watering during this new phase. 
7) You will find some dried stems, remove them. the ones that have picked up growth will show fresh tiny green leaves. 
8) When your mint plants are growing healthy only then start to use the leaves. Otherwise the plants may die off if you pluck tiny new leaves. Later on also never pluck full stems, juts see that you cut off from tip needs and let the rooted part remain with few leaves to help the mint plants grow.
Easy growing mint at home lockdown times
Gomphrena Amaranth Dark Pink Ball shaped flowers
Really sad about the world facing the threat from Corona Virus. Remembering last year this time... Europe Tour, the world has come to a standstill with Corona Virus attack and I don't know when the world will be the same again, or ever will be...hoping for the best Keukenhof Tulip Gardens my Europe  tour
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Understanding the feng shuii garden
Happy Gardening from Rizwana! Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life!
All the Best from Rizwana!
A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!
Stay Safe!

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