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dheere dheere se mana, dheere sab kuch hoi, mali seeche sao ghada..rutu aye phal hoye Kabir ke dohe Gardening

Inspiring Dohas of Kabir sat Kabir dohas which are world famous and sharing here a few good ones that are life transformational. from my little space under the sun inspiring gardens! good reads, I love inspirational quotes and posts and hope this brings joy to you!

The inspiration came form waiting for the Brahma Kamal flowers to bloom and with all my efforts yet to see the blooms so thus came up this beautiful post and eye opener and hope whatever you are going through this post is of value to you and inspires you to be your best! 

My Brahma Kamal plants old photo now they have grown quite tall with fleshy leaves.

Bright colours of happiness 

 slow..go slow my mind everything happens at its pace.. the gardener may water with a hundred pots..but the fruits will appear only at its season Kabir Doha.

Bada huva to kya huva..jaise pedh khajoor..panchi ko chaya nahi..phal lage ati dur.. what is the importance of growing big like a date tree that grows so tall yet fails to give shade to travelers from sunlight and home for birds. Humbleness quote. 

chandan jaisa sadhu hai..sarp hi sab sansar..take ang lapta rahe..mana me nahi like a sandal tree it does not become poisonous even when a snake resides on it.

neend nishani maut ki..uth kabira jaag...aur rasayan chandike..naam rasayn laag...sleep is the sign of detah..

bura jo mai dekhne chala..bura na mileye man dekha apna..mujhse bura na koi...i went to search for bad people..I couldnt find..when I searched my one bitter than me... 

jin khoja tin paya..gehre paani paith..mai bapura budan dara..raha kinare baith...  whoever searches and looks out for , dives with faith, finds anything and everything.. those who fear and sit at the shore never ever find anything.

take the leap of faith and trust the flow, you will be amazed at how the Universe blesses you!

spider lily flowers

a corner of my happy place
inspirations unlimited!

man ke hare har ke jeete jeet..kahe kabir hari paiye man hi ki parteet
Plant a garden and your life will never be the same!!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.


What does a Balcony/Terrace garden symbolize? How to activate Feng shuii with Open terrace garden symbolism

Looking at the sky early dawn and sunrise, and being open to limitless possibilities of the day coming up, isn't it amazing! That is the magic of a terrace garden! sharing amazing symbolism of terrace garden and if you have one you are blessed and if you don't you surely must have this on your wish list for 2022! Terrace garden flats villas apartments are now becoming more and more loved by many. The reason is that we have been limited since past few years due to lockdown and though much more dangerous hazards and emissions exist out there we have understood the importance of sky, fresh air and the sky.
Having this little space under the sun made me feel so blessed. not only are the flowering plants happy and flourishing there is also personal satisfaction, peace and creative flow of energies. it is my beautiful escape from this world and into a mystical fairy land that actually have fairies and elves tending it. 
The sun heals, purifies, protects and activates with its pure energy. You can cleanse your aura with few minutes daily fresh sunlight meditations. Sunlight is most essential which most of us nowadays miss out on in enclosed flats and homes. We hardly get real exposure to direct sunlight. So if you are having a balcony or terrace you are blessed! you can give sunlight to your clothes, bedding, furniture, and any new object to purify it from negativity. I use the ritual to purify my gemstones too with activating them. Read more about power of gemstones if your love them on my blog Obsessed Over Stones.
Sunrise Terrace garden view
 collecting dew drops magic potion
The sky with its vastness makes us go deep within ourselves understanding how tiny we are in this huge universe and yet people have inflated egos, differences of opinions and arguments. life is so fragile, trust me, live every moment you have because many didn't have the pleasure to see another sunrise!

Garden joy

my window garden 

Size of flowers Immense Happiness!

Red Layered Hibiscus Blessings of Lord Ganesha

Fresh Sun rays Amazing Energy directly from Universe

Rose flowers growing in my Terrace garden

Healthy Jade Wealth feng shuii plant

messages symbols from the universe Terrace garden sky

Birds heavenly feng shuii luck

Terrace Garden symbolism

Fragrant kamini flowers bush

What does a Balcony/ Terrace garden symbolize in Feng shuii?
the balcony is openness and pathway to future. It is the vision of the home owner towards future in career business job work. You have to take utmost care of open balcony and terraces. Make a healthy plants garden here if you can. Keep the sector clean and please do not store broken items and junk from your home here. At most please never ever have dust bins here!
See that the door of your balcony is not opposite to your main door because all chi entering through main door will pass away directly out. Use simple feng shuii cures to redirect this energy for your benefits. 
Many people tend to have clothes lines, do not have confusing lines and this will mess up your life and career. Avoid hanging under garments and under wear here, your future vision has to be empowering. 
Improve relationships and heal your health with having a clean and good balcony terrace. Improve career luck with opportunities and money flowing by activating wealth luck feng shuii cures. 
While you keep it clean do not clutter it with too much furniture or left over items from home. 
Though balconies and terrace's are bright and well ventilated you have to see that proper lighting and good seating arrangements are made here. this will bring your respite in your life journey. Having comfortable tea times and loving conversations will open up a new magical life full of joy for you! Try it, it works!
my article published in inflight magazine

baby pigeon 

baby alexandrine parrot sitting on my lap

Balconies are the open elements that are added to your home and if you understand this power you can use it for your benefits. Beware though, birds, pigeons ,owls ,hawks, parrots, parakeets, sparrows and pigeons! especially pigeons will make home and never leave!!!LOL but the benefits and love are so so many! 
Terrace and Balconies do open up socializing opportunities too by having friends and relatives for dinners and lunches. Amazing experiences with open barbecues and gettogethers will bring your family together. Your children too learn the importance of gardening and who knows they may become a passionate gardener for life brings so much beautiful nourishing oxygen energy to the earth. Lessons of hope love caring understanding self acceptance and faith trust so many are learned. And not to mention the least but definitive pure joy on every new leaf and every new bud!! There is the links connections family bonding's and growth opportunity here. Spiritually as a healing artist the openness of the vast sky and meditating for hours just looking at the stars at night, the sky at dawn as the first sun rays break open to a glorious day, its formations, the movement of clouds, the first rains, summer fragrances all have had an effect on my healing art and the more I experience the more amazing it feels which words cannot describe!
Mystical Blooms Magic Hope Joy! Brahma Kamal one of my creative collage artwork

It feels amazing that with this blog I receive so many email's that people have actually started gardening, blogging, so many have beautiful gardens than me, and are seriously into gardening businesses too! Those happy emails are blessings, feeling blessed with gratitude and Thank you universe!!
Feng shuii activators can enhance your space and you can use this balcony and terrace to activate life luck heavenly luck and amazing blessings. As I always say on my Feng shui-Simple Cures blog  always remember the universe has everything in just have to tap this correctly! 
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.

 Interesting posts on my Garden Care Simplified blog-Biggest Terrace garden risks hazards and tips to make your garden safe

how my Gulmohar flame of forest tree flowered in container amazing experience with photos step by step!

Is it ok to plant Aloe vera in home garden? understand feng shuii symbolism


Tend the garden the butterflies will come! Nithyakalyani Madagascar periwinkle for manifestation wishes and health benefits of sada bahar

Magical flowering plant we have the humble periwinkle growing since ages in every home, little does she require care and she flourishes with abundant blooms! use this for wish fulfillment! manifesting wishes flower! how? read below-

peri winkles flourish in abundance as borders and give a vibrant show all year round

Magenta pink periwinkle looks beautiful!

Sada bahar the name itself sparks joy! known with so many names, cape periwinkle, old maid, red periwinkle, evergreen, cayyene jasmine, rose periwinkle, vinca rosea.  Periwinkle plants are tough and fallen flowers soon bring new plants in abundance. I love the vibrant colours, especially the hot pink periwinkle, fluorescent magenta, purple lilac,  and the heavenly white the baby soft pinks. With my experience of so may years of growing periwinkle plants the pink ones grow best for many many years. 

Tend the garden.. the butterflies will come! manifestation magic with this sada bahar! as the name suggests it already is tough, hardy plant and gives abundant blooms. in feng shuii growing plants are auspicious and flowers all year round attract money flow and abundance always. It is like a source of limitless wealth is grown with love care and respect. Choose two, pair of sada phuli plants in preferably green pots, jade green containers. Put them is southeast sector of your home for abundance blessings. 

That bitter smell will spread over your full home if you keep just a single periwinkle plant in your garden! Fascinated with its mysteries, here is a plant seen in every home that clears negative energies and brings good health. How? it has a strong aroma,  bitter fragrance, and actually every part of the plant is poisonous.  Madagascar periwinkle is used as medicinal properties. For cancer, throat ,cough, reduce congestion, diabetes. reduce fluid retention and increase urine output. (google). Sada bahar also heals wounds and is effective in removing reducing skin scars and blemishes. It is also effective for skin infection itches.  

What is the English name of Nithyakalyani?
Botanical name is Catharanthus roseus, commonly known as bright eyes, Cape periwinkle, graveyard plant, Madagascar periwinkle, old maid, pink periwinkle, rose periwinkle, is a species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae.
In Europe the lore goes as periwinkle is called the flower of death. Periwinkle, an evergreen trailing groundcover, is a common invader throughout most of the United States. It is native to Europe, where it was commonly known in folklore as the “flower of death” because its vines were woven into headbands worn by dead children or criminals on their way to execution.(info google) 
Indian homes elders advice to plant this outside your window so that as the breeze comes it with the fragrance this will spread in your home and remove evil eye and negative energies and promote well being good health and abundance. 
Reiki Evil eye paintings for sale.
How to use periwinkle  for medicinal benefits at home? read this on google but never tried this. use it by adding flowers to boiling tea as gargle for sore throat relief. The flowers also when crushed emit juices that help reduce skin scars and heal wounds. 
The plant is voracious and grows easily in abundance. In our terrace garden I actually had to distance it from others because periwinkle was wildly taking over all the containers with immediately sprung new sada bahar plants. remember too much of anything is not good. Fallen flowers will bring new plants very easily. The sada bahar being so bitter yet catches white aphids and ants fungus and pests. You need to keep trimming the affected parts and give it thorough bathing in winters specially when sunlight is low the pests attack. 
For abundant flowering keep trimming it into bush form. 
Tend the garden the butterflies will come
When you work upon manifesting your wishes have a clear heart and a clear mind. Pray with positive intentions for family wellness health wealth and healthy caring understanding relationships. Do not ask only for wealth or money from this plant. Just like people pray over the Brahma kamal flowering
Parijaat and Jasmine blessings goodluck painting in progress

Heavenly blessings symbol healing painting

the key! you have to find the key! allow reiki to assist

Happiness collage! 
The wholesome vision! flowers of Joy-a beautiful sada phuli flowers painting for complete goodluck on my website.
Saraswati blessings mystical Brahma Kamal painting
Personal power activation floral artwork displayed

Fairy Dust Magical blooms inspired by mystical Brahma kamal collage artwork

it is very important to ask for humble blessings in general and allow the universe to bless you, trust me with health and relationships on track money flows easily into your life!! The plant is auspicious and often goes unnoticed for its magical healing properties. The manifesting powers are never tapped into. Try it, it works! share your magical experiences with periwinkle manifestation plant in comments!
post- not flowering vinca rose? flowering tips for periwinkle plant.
  Ask for anything, the Universe has everything in abundance, you just have to tap this correctly!
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! Happy Gardening!! 

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.

 Interesting posts on my Garden Care Simplified blog-

Read on Strength symbol Ficus Elastica plant

Why my garden feng shuii is going wrong? 9 amazing instant wealth cures

Window sill garden challenge evil eye

Keukenhof Tulip Gardens my Europe  tour

What does colour of rose symbolize? different meaning explained

Understanding meaning of the feng shuii garden


2022 Tiger tips! when to grow plants from seeds practical tips and my Garden Orange fruits with beautiful flower photos

A prosperity garden! Each New year starts with enthusiasm hope faith and love! Those are gardeners, we love to see magic happen every day in our gardens! Fantastic energy for new year 2022! 
Gardens need love care sweat and absolute pure passion!  Orange trees are so auspicious for any garden and growing one on your home garden is absolutely beautiful feng shuii. There will be so much happiness when you see fruits on orange tree.
orange fruit from my orange plant in container

orange fruit on my goodluck orange plant in container
 The fruits are small in size and sour but it is the personal effort and wait that brings so much more joy! These are very easy to grow in containers. Easy growing from seeds in containers is so exciting with hope.  sharing tips that work.
first orange fruit on my garden plant

Orange plants can be grown from seeds also ,the only thing you need is right sunlight. 
big size mogra flower on plant
Flowering plants and fruit plants can be grown in containers if you get the right amount of indirect sunlight or some few hours of sunlight for flowering and fruits. Inspirations continue to overflow with 
Tangerine Mandarin Orange collections.

rose flowers on plant in my garden

Anthurium flower pink colour

seeds of flowers for spring growing

flowering plant seeds for garden planting

label them! new sprouts coming up

pink rose flower bud

Pink red star cluster flower plants

Beautiful red Rose bud

growing red chillies at home 
Spring is the best season where the light warm sunlight brings new sprouts easily. Chilies plants are very easy to grow in containers. I added the dried red chilies flakes in container.
chillie seeds planting in small container
seeds growing technique
Amaryllis lily flower red in my terrace garden

Coming to growing plants from seeds sharing practical tips-
1) choose medium sized plant container because I have tried in very small pots but later on transplanting they go in shock mode and die. Hence let them begin their journey ion a comfortable six inch pot. This helps them to bring roots with stability. Just be careful during watering new shoots die off easily with over watering. 
2) choose good quality seeds. once I bought flowering seeds and planted them and waited and the wait continued with nothing, later saw the seeds had turned black mushy and did not sprout at all. 
3) Dry the seeds with some sunlight before planting. this has helped a lot with fast sprouting. I think the warmth trigger growth faster. 
4) do not water immediately after planting seeds, let them adjust to the soil well. I had the habit of over watering and thus have killed many plants during my early years of gardening. Now I have started thinking from point of view of the seeds and plants, they do communicate and they listen to us when cared with love. 
Bleeding hearts flower

5) label the seeds grown from containers because if the pot has mixture of seeds you will not know which ones are growing until you see the first flowers which may take some time.
6) Check the container regularly as new plants are delicate. So many times birds have feasted on my new plants. Especially they love new fresh leaves of flowering plants, they also eat flowers. Rats love jhendu flowers marigolds. Protect your plants to see happiness in your garden just like you protect your family from evil eye. Read my personal experience of How cactus dies with evil eye negative energy..

vishnu kanta blue flower plant
Croton plants

Jai fragrant flowering climber
Adenium flowers fluorescent pink
Joyful leaves colourful ornamental plants

Red Canna flowers Terrace garden plants
Petunia flowers purple colours plant
chinese rose flower plant
Soothing pink rose flowers on plant terrace garden

Son champa flower of joy

7) Sometimes new plants are weak and we need to give them supplements, I am not much knowledgeable at this. hence I have stopped growing many plants from seeds. the ready plants from nurseries already are strong and have flowers on them so you get to enjoy the happiness now!
Meanwhile garden keeps influencing my Reiki healing paintings and I keep the passion  surrounded by fragrances colours blooms and greens to uplift my heart chakra with pure joy!
Anant has flowered in January 2022 spreading heavenly fragrances in our window garden and our lives. 
Online plant ordered
our plant that was ordered online is growing well. 

Anant flower on plant

Interesting postsHibiscus Plant care in Winter

Why I plant colours?

Snow daisy bush

Why you must remove plastic bags from new saplings

Why you are not able to grow plants in hanging baskets

 How to Grow Avocado at home

Tibouchinaurvilleana purple glory tree exotic rare flowers plant

Piper Nigrum Black pepper plants growing at home

Happy Gardening from Rizwana! Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life!

All the Best from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants, this is my love and passion. A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!

Stay Safe!

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