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Feng Shui Main Entrance Garden For Flat 5 Tips/ Welcome to my Entry Way Garden! Garden Video

It  is an Amazing 2020! Welcome to my entry way, feng shuii main door garden!
Happy new Year to You and all your loved ones and Your Amazing Plants! Main door gardens are so amazing feng shuii and always bring a fantasia surrealistic appeal to your home. Magical entry way gardens have so much to express about the home owners and each time you enter you are relaxed refreshed and neutralized from negativity with the strong presence of Earth energy. 
Thanking you from the bottom of my heart to all Garden Gare Simplified followers who share their experiences, photos of their precious flowering plants, share their happiness of new blooms, comment, and have the same love and passion for gardening. It is we who are definitely making a  difference! Gaia Blessings coming by all the time! I feel so blessed with happy emails of people who have followed Garden care posts and the inspiration has led them to start gardens, write blogs on gardening and even start businesses of selling plants and coach about gardening. My Best Wishes and Please do Keep spreading the Joy!
With experience of more than twenty years  with different types of  gardening, container gardening, window garden, entry way garden, terrace garden, window sill garden, here is the best part, watching something grow!
the Best Feng Shuii energy you can add to your life is to grow a plant! 
 Dreams...Dream garden...Gardens of Love and Care! so I paint Healing flowers!

I may have had a lot of challenges to continue with limited space, limited resources and limited environmental conditions but have always adapted and made my life move alongside with growing plants. Gardening never left me or I didn't leave gardening there is immense blessings of touching the soil and absolute joy to see every flower bloom. Trust me, with gardening every flower bud still gives me so much hope excitement and every flwoer still brings adrenaline rush of joy!
Fresh buds on rose plant

Huge Anthurium flowers window garden

No wonder I have more plant and bird friends than humans!
Enjoying fresh sun my best friends

Birdie loves Rose quartz painting

Garden Care Simplified

Main Door Gardens are so important in Feng Shui, i would say they can multiply manifolds your luck and wealth if done correctly and also complete finish off your business and money away if going wrong!
Sharing here five basic Feng Shui Tips for your entry way garden/Main door Garden, especially focusing on Flat, house in buildings entry way garden.
1) NO CLUTTER- it is nice to cover up your entry way with green plants but remember no clutter. if they have to fight for space, its not feng shuii!
2) NO DEAD plants- keep them always healthy and trimmed. In feng shuii dried leaves and dead plants are similar to the energy of a dead body. You wouldn't want a dead body in your entrance? would you? 
3) Choose plants carefully according to the Feng Shuii Ba Gua. now here you need to have basic knowledge of Feng Shuii. Check my blog for more information Feng Shui-Simple Cures
Here I mean to have colours that are activating the sector. example if you have a south main door garden, red plants are best. if you can't grow them, choose ornamental grasses in red. purple colour plants are also  good for south Garden. Fire energy needs to be activated here. Having dull limpy and only creeper plants here is not auspicious. other wise it will lead to passive yin  energy and will affect living family members with low motivation to work, low energy and even drive away fame and wealth. If the garden falls in north you have white and grey, silver leaves plants. 
Choosing colorful/ornamental plants according to Ba Gua map colors will activate Feng Shuii.
4) Go with the flow! Mentioning this because it took me twenty years to accept this, yet I make emotional purchases of plants and they die. Environmental conditions of your entry way garden is important. if there is low sunlight choose plants accordingly, those that require low light to grow. 
Don't buy roses and chrysanthemums or bulb plants like Amaryllis to grow there, they will not be able to perform!
5) Always be very careful of evil eye for your entry way garden. the most affected part and the most vulnerable part of your home is the main entrance. Do have strong feng shui evil eye cures hanging here to protect your home and your garden plants from evil eye. 
Protection symbols bring transformed auspicious energy

Terrace garden sunset sky

So many cases of serious harm done to plants, I cannot mention, eye again. Take care here as anyone can touch your plants, they are plucked, scratched, and abused. 
For this have cactus, and spiky plants at your entrance along with other plants, you will see immediate difference in your home energy. 
You can hang evil eye cure and shiny garden ornaments also moving paper hangings, wind chimes do wonders to keep energy fresh. Remember to keep Feng Shuii Ba Gua in mind while choosing any thing for the entrance garden.
House with a Riot of Happiness Colours! Reiki joy Collage art Rizwana A.M

Thank you so much for coming by Garden Care Simplified, have any queries, doubts, do share your experiences while growing and maintaining a main door garden in a flat.
Don't forget to give them immense love, they will give back manifolds!
I do pray for my plants and even the dead ones everyday, it was the mistakes that led me to write this blog and to help avoid plant life losses, and when I save some plant, Oh that feels so Joyful!
Happy Gardening!
Garden Care Simplified

Grow more plants! Do share with someone who has a green thumb! 

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.


Why my Garden Feng Shui is Going Wrong? really important Garden feng shuii 5 eyeopener facts ! 9 Amazing instant feng shuii garden wealth cures

Garden feng shuii going wrong? is your garden depressing? this really important Garden feng shuii fact for you and adding up 9 amazing instant feng shuii garden wealth cures in the second half of this post.
You begin with fantastic flowering plants bought from the plant nursery, and all is hunky dory for few weeks and then gradually you see leaves turning yellow, leaves wilting, leaves dropping, maybe pest attack, drying of the plant and you just keep watering. this is what most of us do, I too did this for years of container gardening. 
Feng Shuii for your garden in one word is "Love", yes give them some love , they will give back blooms!
If you see a garden that has depressing energy and wilted plants, dried plants in containers, understand this "the garden is unloved"
The fact that you have been missing all the time is gardening requires care and love. Regular watering, trimming, maintaining the shape of the container plants, giving them more love by extra feedings, pampering with change of places and so much more!
Drooping peace lily plants

Dried leaves of Anant plant

Dried Brahma Kamal plant

curling Peri winkle leaves
sharing personal garden photos to help you understand that garden Feng Shuii is not just what is when you begin the garden. it is the process, the journey to always have an evergreen happy garden.
Dried Chinese Bamboo plant
Garden Feng Shuii is never given thought but it will influence your health, wealth and relationships. Imagine having a garden that stinks in the east sector-will affect your health and relationships adversely.
More so what will happen when you have a dried garden in the north east sector? you will always feel low energy, confused with life and have a blank future.
And just think about this that if your garden in the south has but empty containers with dried dead plants, OMG! it will bring downfall in personal fame, name and business, even lead to complete financial losses and business closure...
Fact 1- Garden feng shuii is very important, find out which sector you have the garden and choose plants accordingly. North must not have too many tall plants. South can have plants that have more of wood. North east sector will love succulents. Purple and blue colored leaves plants are best in north and north east and also west sector.

Fact 2- Garden feng shuii is an on going process. you will over the time have dried plants,dead plants, you will need to replace them and grow fresh ones. In Feng Shuii dead plants are talked as dead bodies, and we would never leave dead bodies for more time in our house, would we? then why the dead plants?
Garden care simple feng shuii
Also something interesting sharing here, empty pots. Yes, you may say the plants have dried and we have removed them but the pots are stacked outside your house for the next session of buying plants  which may come after few weeks or few months. This is shar energy and will bring in negative feng shuii. Poison arrows pointed towards your home through your main door.
Entry way garden
Another fact is that empty post do take away energy coming in so imagine the chi/ wealth flowing towards your house will go there and stagnate int eh empty containers and less will reach your home.
Fact 3- Plants that are luscious green and heavy growth are not always good feng shuii! over grown gardens do not emit good feng shuii. it reflects over growth and neglect.
This is a myth that too many plants and heavy growth indicates a healthy garden. No, it is well maintained an garden design that reflects a joyful healthy Feng Shuii garden.  Recently trimmed my window garden plants as they had over grown and were over flowing from their pots too much. After trimming the garden has a beautiful energy of balance and harmony.
Interesting tree trimming Japanese style
Fact 4- In Feng shuii we love wavy and curvy lines. have your garden plants grown in this manner for happy feng shuii. Straight lines of containers placed side by side do not show good element in garden design. Also in Feng Shuii Masters believe the ghost travels in straight lines, hence we see gardens in China and Japan have curvy pathways in their gardens. Trim your plants in fancy shapes, it will reflect your personal style and bring out beauty in your customized garden. Amazing Feng Shuii!
Japanese style tree shaping

Fact 5- Feng Shuii is all about going with the flow. Only grow those plants(flowering or ornamental) that love and are comfortable in your environment.  This fact I learned again and again with more than twenty years of gardening. Window gardening, terrace container gardening, entry way gardening and even window sill gardening. What grows in the open will not love indoor energy. Those that need sunlight(flowering) will not grow indoors or in space which has no sunlight. 
Its not about what plants you love to have in your garden, its about who and which plants will love the environment and energy of your garden that should be welcomed!
Influenced by my garden roses! Surrounded By Roses My Pink Chair of  Love , check out my painting on
As promised in the Title 9 Amazing instant feng shuii wealth cures that can be activated from your garden!
1) North sector- 3,5,7,9,21,27 gold coins tied in red ribbon. sure shot wealth cure! Hide them please and do not talk about theses to anyone!
2) 2 Jade plants in east or south east. tried and tested, always works! Works best in pairs!
3) Money plants climbing upwards in the north. Amazing wealth growth!
4) Chinese Bamboo plants in pair outside your main door. Magical Feng Shuii!
5) Ceramic container of salt hidden in your garden will open new doors to prosperity. Powerful cure. 
6) Cinnamon sticks tied in black thread in your garden will attract wealth. Absolute miracle!
7) Large sized leaves plants in north. Example Chinese evergreen. Try this!
8) Golden colour unique containers, this is what I personally recommend. Golden colour emits style and opulence and attracts more of that! Avoid shard edged plant pots especially when you buy geometric plant pots.
9) Fruit trees. If you can grow, (I did grow chickoo, pomegranate, anjeer, jamun, cherries in pots) are good feng shuii and if your trees are loaded with fruits and they fall in the north, northwest, south, or east, south east sector, it will bring miraculous wealth and opportunities into your life. Keep a check that the trees are healthy and have good quality fruits. Otherwise it is also a good idea to have artificial fruit trees. Yes, I did this, because we receive very low indirect sunlight in our window gardens so why struggle, and why feel sad about the gardening limitations...might as well enjoy with whatever feng shuii you can apply!
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
feng shuii doubts about your garden? hesitant to apply wealth cures in your garden? are confused with which plants to have in which sector of your garden? facing window gardening challenges? comment below, I will guide you to the best of my practical knowledge!
Read more interesting posts-


This simple tip for healthy indoor plants video on you tube/ Entryway Garden video! Entryway garden challenges

Entryway garden challenges , welcome to my entryway garden. facing sunlight challenges this tip really helped in my plant growth and even flowering.

Interesting past posts

Do share your experiences if you have an entryway garden! I have over the years had terrace garden, window sill gardens, entry way gardens and maybe who knows if the Universe is listening , my dream home garden yet to come...a small piece of land garden!

container garden challenges are so many check up my blog for more info!

Happy gardening Rizwana Mundewadi!


Garden Plant Stands Window Stands Fancy Creative Plant Stands #Windowsillgardenchallenges purchased garden plant stands

Step ladder Plant Stand 
 With searching options for window sill garden design, decor, and arrangements finally purchased stands. the steps stand is very beautiful. We have the option of one step, two, or three steps and we can get it made customized according to the size we require.
My biggest challenge with window sill garden was the limited space and it was a risk to purchase garden stands which come for more than a  few thousand rupees depending upon of course the size you take.
The choice is Amazing! creative garden stands, planters, plant stands with different patterns, arrangements, you just have to consider what space is available for you. It is a good suggestion to get the stand repainted, but have not done this as it is rainy season and oil paint will not dry fast.
Garden plant stands Circular stand
 Indoor plant stands and planters can be used to decorate window sill garden. The circular one, I bought was a choice made by my heart as the utility is limited, especially for an obsessive gardener having so many pots!
The challenge was as we measured the available space in our window before going in to purchase a specific steps garden plant metal stand. Check the metal quality, but as it will be exposed to daily watering, and the plant stand needs to be of thick metal to bear the load of heavy plant containers.
Circular plant stand 
Plants arranged on steps stands

With so many plants from our previous terrace garden, this time seriously minimized and assembled some together. Facing north, we have limited indirect sunlight coming so it is a challenge to grow flowering plants in our window sill garden.
Cleaning the window sill garden before installing  the garden plant stand
 The task was a tough one, with an already established over flowing window garden, with packed garden pots, especially heavy containers with growing plants. My husband did help out, a gem of a person, in arranging all the garden pots.
the limited window sill space did not give much options but to remove all garden containers inside our living room , to clean ti and then put the stand.
The main purpose I chose to have a plants stand was to give containers breathing space. The space below is free fro air circulation and can be cleaned now as compared to earlier when all plant pots were placed on the window floor.
The circular one is more of an ornamental plant stand, light weight so it will not take heavy plant containers. And also the rings attached are of a particular size so you have to repot again, unless of course if you have those sized growing pots. As i mentioned it was a decision of heart and not brain, so I fitted some pots in circular plant stand.
The circular plant stand is more suited for corner or entry way garden and maybe if this works out I may install it there. Also good as a corner plant arrangement for living room spaces to add fresh greenery into modern decor.
 With my artists studio clearing, organizing, letting go of many paintings, listing my art, life is seemingly beautiful and feels lighter now. My garden has fresh vibes and the aura of peace and welcoming energy as compared to earlier with overflowing packed up containers.
There were fully packed containers in our window garden and also small plant containers above each large pot. reduced them.
The cycle kept moving since years, I had garden containers so I bought plants and then... if the containers broke or got damaged the plants were healthy so again I purchased new garden pots. Of course the environmental conditions were extreme with direct sunlight for most part of the day in our terrace garden.
Now there is limited sunlight but have come to terms with the limitations and so also the choice of plants has been made considering this and they look happy.

Brahma Kamal looks Happy

What I have noticed, here since the past year with tending the windows ill garden that some ones are happy, yes the three Brahma kamal plants seem happy and are growing their tentacles! hoping some day Lord Brahma gets pleased!!!and blesses me with Blooms!

We lost Honey and Birdie ...were with me since past eight years...
Honey with new friends
  Vinca Rose
Blessed to have you! Bunny has only one leg, she is very healthy and of peaceful nature
                                                 Different birds and terrace garden care
                                                  How to plant a bird friendly garden
With all the limitations and the gloomy rainy season of darkness our garden has its share of happinesses! Some one up there does love me!
It was a surprise to see the yellow rose bud after so many months, no I never add any extra feedings to my plants, where they rest in peace Honey birdie, this was sign from them, with their love, as they blossomed into a beautiful huge yellow rose, the flower of friendship, happiness and joy!

Red Anthurium window sill garden July 2019

Yellow rose window sill garden  July 2019
This is ME!
Garden Care Simplified
Thank you for coming by!
Do share your experiences, and Thank you so much for your emails, I do try to answer all your plant queries within three days. I am happy that you, readers are a part of my garden journeys and share with me your happiness, in form of photographs. If you would like to get your plant photos published here on Garden Care Simplified, just mention it in your email, its free! 
There is a video and photographs of the Brahma Kamal flower on our Face Book group , share you happinesses!
Happy Gardening!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Best ornamental plant growing tips 
Seeds burst show original photographs 
Add this to your plants for big Flowers, it works!
Growing Anant Gardenia plant from cuttings
Periwinkle sada phuli pest attack car

For Healing Reiki Flower Paintings and Feng Shui Floral paintings visit my website Rizwana A.Mundewadi's Soul Perk^Up Art!



#Windowsillgardenchallenge evil eye! try this Feng Shuii cure for garden special bonus tip at end of the post!

Window sill challenge #challengeinwindowsillgarden  With continued challenges of low light, now we have a tower coming up! so the restricted light will again reduce more.
Ii have achieved a beautiful level now with happy plants, Rubber, Jade, Euphorbia milli, Ribbon grass, fern, purple hearts, lemon grass, anant, mogra, they surely are looking happy  with the tip I tried a few months back.
Care of Allamanda Blanchetti
Concerning the main issue now was new constructions coming up, so much dust, and cement. This was covering all plant leaves. The plants were struggling for breath! that issue #windowsillgardenchallenge was solved by spraying the leaves and cleaning them regularly with water.
Interesting post- 9 important tips for starting a window garden
Window sill garden before few months

window sill garden plants now
The next #gardenchallenge we are facing is low light. I am sure Feng Shui has a way. thinking of adding a mirror, this works very well with reflecting natural light for my plants.
The Main #windowsillgardenchallenge , this post is about the main task, when we have a window garden just about every visitor takes a closer look here!
Yes, they are happy, beautiful, they are so healthy, there are flowers growing in your window? Oh we tried but didn't succeed, Oh you feel sorry for them!.
Heard this often, yes, brings a smile if you are a passionate gardener!
So after a lot of thinking tried this Feng Shuii tip, add some salt near your containers.  I have read a lot of rock salt benefits and also watched on you tube but never tried this. 
Salt Feng Shuii cure for garden
You can sprinkle a few crystals to protect your window sill garden plants from evil eye and negative energies. Keep the salt hidden from view. Correct way to use salt as cure explaining in this video
next issue for me now is #windowsillgardencahllengespace am searching for good planter stands, space saver plant stands for window gardens, container stands for arranging my plants. Saw few on , still nothing finalized, there are a good options available online but we have to consider space crunch here. There is never a quiet moment here, every plant needs that loving care,and of course they are blessings me with happy growth. No fertilizers! 

window sill garden now
Try hanging a Feng Shuii evil eye cure, this works wonders. you get so many cheap feng shuii evil eye cures, as key chains,wall hangings, individual small gifts of the colours of feng shuii evil eye cure, well, so much for protecting your dear plants! Not only act as garden ornaments but also protective cures!
Did you experience any such negative energy effects on your plants? what did you do? any tips? do share! Do share your experiences! 
Garden Care Simplified

Thanks a Lot for coming by!
All the Best ! Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
Read more on Rizwana's Garden Care Simplified blog- 
You will see immediate difference in your health and wealth as you activate your window garden with Feng Shuii. For your work space and also home office, where it may not be possible to add real plants , add up some beautiful flower paintings, nature paintings and wall art that is trendy and healing with some lush greenery.  


Window Sill Garden 3 Important Tips Add some Pizzaz! and How my garden is progressing

Jade plant window sill garden
window sill garden arrangements design 
while the window sill garden is blooming with happiness this Summer, as it faces north, we do not have much of sunlight here. And guess who is happy! well most of the plants seem happy with the indirect light. We have a entry way passage garden where there was too much of environmental pollution, so just Snake plant and Chinese Bamboo plants are growing well outside out entrance.

 Two window sill , window gardens, loads of plants, packed tightly, of course, me, the obsessive gardener!

 Sharing practical tips for adding some Pizzazz  to a window sill garden-
1) check the sunlight, choose plants appropriately. If low sunlight, then it is difficult  to grow flowering plants and bulbs. More direct sunlight for even a few hours, bravo, grow roses and just about every plant! but we are lucky, low sunlight, means more ornamental foliage colours and plants that are indoor loving types. Ferns, Rubber, palm, Jade, succulents, cactus's, aloe vera, ribbon grass, purple hearts, and so many options available. I am going to try out roses, so brought a yellow rose plant and it seems fine.
its a blessing to have nature into your home, make the best of it!
yellow rose plant for window sill garden
2) space is limited. and also height of the window is limited. Choose plants that will be visible while you sit on the sofa or chair. What I did earlier, all plants were lined up, but nothing visible for us , we had to go near the window to see our garden! so have a mixture of height plants. stands, and plant holders are great, we get good stylish ones of wrought iron. they add style to your window garden. Add some glam quotient ,choose great containers and coloured foliage plants. I did make over of many pots by coloring them, adding some glam with different techniques, recycling old garden containers. Add some Pizzazz!
3) Beauty for you and for others too! we added a granite stone stopper, to stop water from flowing outside wall of our home. The stopper of a few inches height, see that the containers fall below so that you do not splash muddy water out. Now my plants are happy, I have no fear of messing the outside wall colour with muddy stains! arranged them well according to their size and sunlight requirements.  Spray water regularly on the leaves so that they are fresh and happy! watering is a careful task, that each one learns according to how the plants communicate about their thirst levels.
fixing a black granite for water proofing.
wrought iron plant container stands

hanging containers DIY, use twine and rope, make your own creative plant arrangements! 
recycled plastic bottle plant container idea

add some pizzazz! wall decals garden floral decals

levels of plant arrangements in window garden go vertical!

Ship Garden decor idea with shells

colourful foliage plants

soil care for window sill garden, low light means low water and that leads to dry hard soil, spraying l;eaves and soil fully helps!
diy plant containers, add some pizzaz!

lemon grass plant

recycling old plant containers add some Pizzazz!
new mogra bud
A garden hose pipe spray gun, very good from snapdeal

 Garden happiness !
big sized mogra flower

on side of Moghu..

fresh additions to window sill garden Rubber Palms Jade and more!
Anthurium flowers in terrace garden 

sometimes I do miss our terrace garden, blast of sunlight we had lovely Anthuriums and lillies, riot of colour roses, mogras, spider lilly, peace lilly,  always blooming by! we have saved all the bulbs and hoping they do oblige with some blooms in this controlled low sunlight window garden..maybe will have to coax them a little!
sweet memories of  the past.. terrace garden  
transplanting Jade

Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified! Do share your experiences with window gardens, like, comment!
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
9 tips to begin your window garden
Keukenhof Tulip garden Netherlands 
Ooty hill station Rose garden 

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